Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A postgraduate or not?

Hello Classmates! 
A postgraduate in Chile is very expensive, as all the university education, so that was a problem in the moment to think if I student or not a postgraduate. Fortunately exist a series of scholarship for the people that can`t pay your studies, but sadly the requirement demand so many paper and an economic situation poor, another requirement are have excellent notes.

I can`t never think that postgraduate taken in the future, but If I take a postgraduate, I choose something in judicial psychology, because this is my favourite area of psychology or maybe I study another career, I don`t know yet!!

Resultado de imagenMaybe If I student a postgraduate, I would in another country, because in others countries the judicial and special the forensic psychology it is more developed that in Chile. In Chile the judicial psychology only has a ten o twenty years of the development this area. The countries that have the best advance in the judicial psychology are Brazil, Spain and Netherlands. This country has different system judicial and aboard the judicial psychology oh another method. In the cases that I go to study a postgraduate a other country, I have need speak the language of those country, so too I have to take a course about the native language for to have a fluency in the particular language, be English or Portuguese. 

All that ideas are basic in the moment of think about If I student a postgraduate.

Thank for readme!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

My future job.

Hello classmates!!

As to student  of psychology, I hope work in this, but in special in the area of  forensic Psychologist, because that is my favorite area of psychology, and this area is a subarea of judicial psychology.  

This area is about made the psychologist interview to people for order to the trial, in cases where a complaint. This cases in general was about sexual abuse and domestic violence, where the Children was involved. So my job was made interview to parents of children, for investigate about your skills as to parents. Is true that my job in not only that, other situation as to need investigate is about the psycolegal question whom is give for a judge for order to trial.

Sometimes I thinks about if I be qualified for job in this, because I study only five years and in my future job I work with people, the real people, not only cases written in papper in where the professor inside me in this world. I fell really nervious because any fail can be dangerous for my patient. 

I  the worst of the cases, I love the gastronomy so if dont have job in psychology, I thinking study gastronomy, because I like to cook and my friend say that I cook very good.

Thank for reedme!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Hello classmate!!!

In the next election day, I thing that is very important go to vote, because is the day for to express my displeasure with the politic elite. So of course I go to vote.

In my consideration the electoral campaigns in my district is very messy, because the entire candidate discredits between them. For this reason my vote I this election was null, another reason for my null vote is my discontented with the attitude of politic elite Chilean, this attitude is the fall of commitment with the people that choose them, with the people that believe in your propose and has hope in the change that them promise.

I live in San Bernardo, one of the candidates is Marisela SantibaƱez and she is a public person of show business, who recently start your career in the world of the politic. In my opinion, I believe that she is not sufficient qualified for this election, maybe in the future yes, bus in this election absolute NOT.

For all this reason I vote and I go to null vote this October 23, because is my obligation and rights, because is my form of doing politic and because the actually politic elite not represent to me.

 Thanks for read me. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

My favorite netflix show

I don`t watch tv, but I watch series in netflix, so my favorite netflix show is grey's anatomy, this show is about a doctor team and yours romantic problems, This show  have 13 seasons and the last season is new and your premiere was the last month.

The principal actor is Ellen Pompeo, she performs the papper of Meredith Grey, a new doctor who has arrive to the hospital called Slow Memorial as to intern.  Although in the beginning she is a single woman, but as the cross of the years, she feel love and married with Derek Shepard, who is a neurosurgeon in the same hospital. They had 3 sons, two boys and one girl, this last they adopt.

To long of the history Meredith have to confront, many difficult moment, as when a shutter went into the hospital, for kill your husband, as she and you husband has airplane accident, and finally the more difficult moment for Meredith grey was your husband die in car accident.

Resultado de imagen para grey anatomy post it
My favorite episode is when Meredith and Derek has a symbolic married in a Post- it. 

In the actually season, Meredith found a new love, the rest of the history for the moment is a mystery.

Finally I recommend Netflix, because have many series really good, and is not than expensive.