Friday, October 23, 2015


My future job.

The last week I asked myself, do I really want to be a psychologist? I thought a lot and the answer is yes. In my first year of the psychology I hate the major, but with the time I love it. 

The kind of job I would like in the future is the forensic psychologist, because I love this area of judicial psychology. This area is about made the interview to people for order to the trial, in cases where a complaint. so, I imagine in this work doing the psychological evaluation and help people, for example if there is a complaint by the personal care of a child, the judge send the psychological/legal question focused on the parenting skills of parents, therefore my work is investigate in the psychological interview, if parents have the skills or not, discarding psychopathologies or personality disorders that may affect the personal care of the child. You should always ensure the development of children.

Therefore this job is indoors, I like to travel, to gain more experience, because in others countries the judicial and especial the forensic psychology It is more developed than in Chile.

I wanted to study theater, but to my parents don’t like this major, but in the future if the time is sufficient I will like study theater or gastronomy.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Blog 5: the pets.

Hello In my case, I don’t have a pets, because to my mam don’t like the animals, but when I was a child, I have a little dog his name was Kiara, it was don’t race, but was a dog very pretty and important to me, because was my first and only pets.

Another pet was a chicken, but it got a short life because a bad cat it ate.

Actually a have to putative dog, is the dog of my boyfriend, his name is Copito, your hair is yellow, he has five human years and he is very tender. I love Copito because is a singular dog, ¿why? Because it has human attitude, for example when a watch tv sits beside me and watch tv too.

another putative dog that i have, is the dog of my grandmother, this dog´s name happy and it is a very destructive dog, because broke the plants of my grandmother. the dog of my grandmother is black and big, for the night it look like a bear.

the dog in the photo is  copito.

In a future I hope to have many animals in special dog, because i love the dog.

thanks for read me.



Thursday, August 13, 2015

End of semester

This semester has been one of the best I've had, I have met incredible people and it has result me much easier to prepare my classes.

In generally in psychology, I have to read a lot, you also have to study and investigate, which sometimes mixing can cause chaos. Usually along the race, many times I did not sleep all night, because be studying or preparing jobs, but this semester was not so, in the end can organize my time better to do everything I should, in the allocated time.

Sometimes I think that may be because as this is my senior year, therefore I became more mature and responsible than in previous years, and best of all is that I lead an active social life, this semester was not only to study.

As a result of my efforts I have all my classes approved and with very good grades. I just need to pass English. So, this semester was my best semester.

About my presentation

In English class, everyone made a presentation on a topic that interested us, but unfortunately I was sick and I could not go that day, so I missed the presentations of my classmates. 

Therefore present in the next class, I have really nervious, almost all my classmates are anthropology students, I chose to talk about my career, psychology, but especially about my area, which is forensic psychology, because I thought they would be interested

Forensic psychology is responsible for the collection, analysis and presentation of psychological evidence for judicial proposes. In other words, it’s responsible for collecting sufficient information to establish evidence for a trial. Judgments that result from allegations of sexual abuse, domestic violence, personal care or child custody, among other.

This is done by collecting data as evidence to raise a hypothesis about if the accusation is true or false. By court order, the people involved in the complaint must be submitted to a psychological interview. The areas to be evaluated depend on the psychological/legal question granted by the judge, when the judge marks the limits, the psychologist must choose the tools that it deems necessary to answer that psychological/legal question.

For example, if there is a complaint by the personal care of a child, the judge send the psychological/legal question focused on the parenting skills of parents, therefore my work is investigate in the psychological interview, if parents have the skills or not, discarding psychopathologies or personality disorders that may affect the personal care of the child. You should always ensure the healthy development of children.

This area of psychology is really motivating for me, every time I have to analyze a case, I do it all since my heart.

Friday, August 7, 2015

My perfect weekend

I think for any college student weekend only perfect down to sleep a lot and have nothing to study or work to do, but just say that would be too banal.

For me the perfect weekend is to awaken without alarm and then go out for the day with my friends or my boyfriend, maybe go to the movies and eat and walk around, go to the beach would be ideal, but not always reaches the money.

Always good to a party where fun, but should not be one, playing Monopoly or cards up late with my friends and boyfriend is great, maybe a few beers are compared and peck something, but your company is the most important, where the laughter and conversation with us and we forget the time because there are no obligations or responsibilities that make us worry and wasting time.

Well after all, it is best to sleep much.

The ritual of my career

As I can’t talk about the ritual of anthropology as most of my colleagues, I speak an existing one in my career, psychology.

Every year new students of psychology, after the "mechoneo", they were performing the ceremony of sponsorship, in this increasingly sophomore agrees to help a new student, provide the texts of the branches (which is very good for some, albeit photocopied, are very expensive), tips are also passed to address the most important branches and tips on how are each of the teachers.

When I enter the race my godfather was Juan Carlos, luckily knew him from before college. The he facilitated me many texts and gave good advice to last in the race.

Then when it was my turn to sponsor my generation had more students than had been coming, so I run out goddaughter, anyway knew many people before them and help them as much as I could.

I still remember when we were blindfolded and made to walk through a room where the ceremony of sponsorship and the best was the post-ritual celebrations.

Expectations for the semester

This semester my junior career, meaning that year-end I graduate, so my expectations are really huge.
First, this English course is very beneficial because within the articles I read for my career, many of them are in English, so I hope to face them as skilled as possible.

I also hope to improve and expand my vocabulary in English, as this would facilitate me the use of language, which is very likely, because the subject teacher is from England, so the language is their mother tongue, which puts us in closer contact with the language.

In addition to the above level of my career in psychology, I hope to acquire as much knowledge as possible and perform positively in all my classes.

I am full of desire so this semester is approaching, and I pus improve in many areas of psychology, I begin to know for the first time. I hope that more cross career awareness will help me in future.

Finally my biggest expectation for this semester, is not sick as much, cause I almost always sick tonsils, to nurse stated.
Detective Conan:  My favorite TV program.


When I was a child I watched on TV the detective Conan, this was a program about a young detective that has find resolution the different case of the murder, among others. In the first episode the detective was obligated to drink a drug and the consequence was to convert the teenager to a child. As the detective he was a child, he could not take the credit for resolving cases, therefore he made his uncle sleep and imitates his voice to resolve cases.

I like this TV program because the different episodes present a new case, therefore every day a look at the new adventure of the detective.  So every day in the afternoon I expected the hour for the watch on the TV my favorite program and resolved with Conan a new case every day.

This Tv program was shown fot the Chilevision Channel in the Tigritos Club. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

The magic moment.

This photograph was taken by my friend AnaĆ­s in the Parque O'higgins during the Lollapalooza 2014 and this photograph I like because it represents a perfect moment in the lollapalooza of the last years, the color in it, the light, the people all the details in the photograph represent when Arcade Fire with their music can madden the people, This day in particular was wonderful because one of my hobbies is listening to music and to hear my favorite bands all day is really incredible.

This concert was one of the best days of my life, life all that experience with my friend managed to unite more, and the photograph was the remember more complete on this occasion.

I hope can any moment more like that because the experience was unique, I recommend at all people go to more concert.